A thought provoking conversation from the Mahabharatha
CONTEXT – Lord Yama wishes to test His son Yudhisthara’s knowledge and so he disguises Himself as a bird and questions Yudhisthara thus; needless to say, Lord Yama was greatly impressed by his son’s wisdom.
Q. 1. What saves man during the time of crisis?
Ans. His courage
Q. 2. In this world, where is the greatest sacrifice found?
Ans. In the heart of a mother
Q. 3. Who is mightier than the sky?
Ans. Father
Q. 4. What is faster than the wind?
Ans. The human mind
Q. 5. Who or what is Man’s greatest friend?
Ans. His knowledge
Q. 6. In the journey after death, what is man’s greatest solace?
Ans. His Dharma
Q. 7. What is the true source of joy in this world?
Ans. Living with a clear conscience
Q. 8. What is equivalent to suicide?
Ans. Boasting or self appraisal
Q. 9. What should a man give up to become perfect?
Ans. His ego
Q. 10. Who is the greatest sinner?
Ans. One who deceives his conscience
Q. 11. Who or what are man’s greatest enemies?
Ans. Greed and Anger
Q. 12. Who is the most fortunate person?
Ans. One who has the perfect soul mate
Q. 13. Who is the wealthiest person?
Ans. One who is not greedy for wealth
Q. 14. What is the greatest wonder in this world?
Ans. The fact that man can survive oblivious to death, which can happen anytime anywhere.
Q. 15. What is the sign of greatness?
Ans. Samabhavana or seeing everyone as equal
Q. 16. What should man give up to attain total bliss?
Ans. Anger
Q. 17. Where is the abode of God?
Ans. In the heart of a devotee
Q. 18. Who is the most ordinary human being?
Ans. One who pretends to be the best
Q. 19. What is God’s light?
Ans. The light of love
Q. 20. What is the eternal truth in this Universe?
Ans. Death